Dwyer 616和616C系列 微差壓變送器
量程從0-1英寸水柱到0-100psid, 精度為±0.25%或±1%
616和616C系列 微差壓變送器精度為0.25%或1%,可滿足多種應用場合的要求??涩F場調零和量程。
• 小巧的設計特別適合于變風量系統
Service: Air And Non-Combustible, Compatible Gases.
Wetted Materials: Consult Factory.
Accuracy: 616: ±0.25% F.S.; 616C: ±1.0% F.S.
Stability: ±1% F.S./Yr.
Temperature Limits: 0 To 140°F (-17.8 To 60°C).
Compensated Temperature Limits: 20 To 120°F (-6.67 To 48.9°C).
Pressure Limits: See Ordering Page.
Thermal Effect: ±0.02% FS/°F (±0.012% FS/°C).
Power Requirements: 10-35 VDC (2-Wire).
Output Signal: 4 To 20 MA.
Dwyer 616和616C系列 微差壓變送器
Zero Adjustments: Potentiometers For Zero And Span.
Loop Resistance: DC; 0-1250 Ohms Maximum.
Current Consumption: DC; 38 MA Maximum.
Electrical Connections: Screw-Type Terminal Block.
Process Connections: Barbed, Dual Size To Fit 1/8" And 3/16" (3.12 Mm And 4.76 Mm) I.D. Rubber Or Vinyl Tubing.
Weight: 1.8 Oz (51 G).
Agency Approvals: CE.
Dwyer 616和616C系列 微差壓變送器